Our Programs


Shasta County Chemical People facilitates a variety of programs to carry out our mission of promoting a safe, strong community free from racism, violence, alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse. Each program works in collaboration with the others in order to carry out the overall goal of improving the community that we live in!

Friday Night Live

On high school campuses.

Seeks to build partnerships for positive, healthy youth development which engage youth as active leaders and valuable resources in their communities.

Club Live

On middle school campuses.

Seeks to build partnerships for positive, healthy youth development which engage youth as active leaders and valuable resources in their communities.

Shasta Peer Mentoring

On middle and high school campuses.

Exists to provide opportunities for young people to be in on-going, mutually beneficial, caring relationships which strengthen their resiliency to the challenges they face in life. This is attained by matching high school students with middle school students to form a mentor/protege relationship..

Sober Grad

For graduating seniors.

Co-sponsored with the California Highway Patrol, Sober Grad consists of ten public and private high schools who work together to ensure that each graduating senior has the opportunity to attend their high school's safe and sober event. This event helps our graduates make smart choices for their future on their graduation night.